The String
scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8
character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to
represent free-form human-readable text.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar String
link Require by
- AddressA user's address
- CharacterA character in a videogame
- ContactInfoName, address, etc
- EntrantAn entrant in an event
- EventAn event in a tournament
- EventEntrantPageQuerynull
- EventEntrantPageQueryFilternull
- EventFilternull
- EventOwnerName and Gamertag of the owner of an event in a league
- EventOwnersQuerynull
- EventTeamAn event-level Team, in the context of some competition
- EventTierUsed for league application tiers
- GameA game represents a single game within a set.
- GlobalTeamGlobal Team
- ImageAn image
- LeagueA league
- LeagueEventsQuerynull
- LeaguePageFilternull
- LeagueQuerynull
- LocationFilterTypenull
- Mutationnull
- PageInfonull
- PaginationSearchTypenull
- ParticipantA participant of a tournament; either a spectator or competitor
- ParticipantPageFilternull
- ParticipantPaginationQuerynull
- PhaseA phase in an event
- PhaseGroupA group within a phase
- PhaseGroupPageQuerynull
- PhaseUpsertInputnull
- PlayerA player
- PlayerRankA player's ranks
- ProfileAuthorizationAn OAuth ProfileAuthorization object
- Querynull
- RaceBracketConfigRace specific bracket configuration
- ScoreThe score that led to this standing being awarded. The meaning of this field can vary by standing type and is not used for some standing types.
- SeedA seed for an entrant
- SeedPageFilternull
- SeedPaginationQuerynull
- SetA set
- SetFilterLocationFilter Sets by geographical constraints.
- SetFilterLocationDistanceFromOnly return Sets that are a certain distance away from a specified point
- SetSlotA slot in a set where a seed currently or will eventually exist in order to participate in the set.
- ShopA shop
- ShopLevelA shop level
- ShopLevelsQuerynull
- ShopOrderMessageThe message and player info for a shop order
- ShopOrderMessagesQuerynull
- StageVideo Stage
- StandingGroupStandingPageFilternull
- StandingPaginationQuerynull
- StationsStations, such as a stream setup, at an event
- StreamA Stream object
- StreamQueueA Stream queue object
- StreamsTournament Stream
- TeamA team, either at the global level or within the context of an event
- TeamPaginationQuerynull
- TournamentA tournament
- TournamentLinksnull
- TournamentLocationFilternull
- TournamentPageFilternull
- TournamentQuerynull
- UserA user
- UserEventsPaginationQuerynull
- UserLeaguesPaginationQuerynull
- UserTournamentsPaginationFilternull
- UserTournamentsPaginationQuerynull
- VideogameA videogame
- VideogamePageFilternull
- VideogameQuerynull
- WaveA wave in a tournament
- WaveUpsertInputnull
- __DirectiveA Directive provides a way to describe alternate runtime execution and type validation behavior in a GraphQL document. In some cases, you need to provide options to alter GraphQL's execution behavior in ways field arguments will not suffice, such as conditionally including or skipping a field. Directives provide this by describing additional information to the executor.
- __EnumValueOne possible value for a given Enum. Enum values are unique values, not a placeholder for a string or numeric value. However an Enum value is returned in a JSON response as a string.
- __FieldObject and Interface types are described by a list of Fields, each of which has a name, potentially a list of arguments, and a return type.
- __InputValueArguments provided to Fields or Directives and the input fields of an InputObject are represented as Input Values which describe their type and optionally a default value.
- __TypeThe fundamental unit of any GraphQL Schema is the type. There are many kinds of types in GraphQL as represented by the `__TypeKind` enum. Depending on the kind of a type, certain fields describe information about that type. Scalar types provide no information beyond a name and description, while Enum types provide their values. Object and Interface types provide the fields they describe. Abstract types, Union and Interface, provide the Object types possible at runtime. List and NonNull types compose other types.