A phase in an event
link GraphQL Schema definition
- type Phase {
- ID :
- # The bracket type of this phase.
- BracketType :
- # The Event that this phase belongs to
- Event :
- # Number of phase groups in this phase
- Int :
- # Is the phase an exhibition or not.
- Boolean :
- # Name of phase e.g. Round 1 Pools
- String :
- # The number of seeds this phase contains.
- Int :
- # Arguments
- # query: [Not documented]
- # eventId: [Not documented]
- (
- SeedPaginationQuery!, :
- ID :
- ): SeedConnection @deprecated( reason: "Please use 'seeds' instead" )
- # Phase groups under this phase, paginated
- #
- # Arguments
- # query: [Not documented]
- PhaseGroupPageQuery): PhaseGroupConnection ( :
- # The relative order of this phase within an event
- Int :
- # Paginated seeds for this phase
- #
- # Arguments
- # query: [Not documented]
- # eventId: [Not documented]
- SeedPaginationQuery!, : ID): SeedConnection ( :
- # Paginated sets for this Phase
- #
- # Arguments
- # page: [Not documented]
- # perPage: [Not documented]
- # sortType: How to sort these sets
- # filters: Supported filter options to filter down set results.
- Int, : Int, : SetSortType, : SetFilters): SetConnection ( :
- # State of the phase
- ActivityState :
- Wave] : [
- }